Aligning IEPs to State Standards
Aligning IEPs to State Standards
New Edition! Updated book features entirely new areas of discussion and examination. Now Drs. Courtade and Browder have an updated version of Aligning IEPs in which they expand and elaborate on their original ideas while creating a new template that shows teachers how to align IEPs to the core curriculum standards. This updated version features entirely new areas of discussion and examination. And it has a new chapter on effective instruction for teaching academic objectives to students with an intellectual disability.
Current federal policy requires that alternate achievement standards be linked to grade level content that promotes access to the general curriculum. This succinctly presented book provides a clear framework for aligning academic content for students with an intellectual disability. It focuses on language arts and math, plus self-determination and assistive technology. Includes sample objectives and a case study.
The new edition includes:
- Ideas for aligning IEP goals and objectives to new State Standards (CCSS)
- Updated examples of ELA and math objectives based on CCSS
- Updated case study examples of alignment for students with moderate and severe disabilities
- Updated hardware and software examples used to teach academic objectives
- A new chapter on effective instruction for teaching academic objectives to students with moderate and severe disabilities
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