About Us
Got a Question? Most of the answers to your questions can be found on our HELP page. Or you can always email me at [email protected] We try to respond within a business day.
The Story Behind Autism Products
We understand: It takes a lot of time and effort to find the right products for your autistic child’s needs. When our son, Jack, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, we immediately began searching for autism sensory products to help him feel more at home in the world. The amount of choices and information out there was overwhelming. With Autism Products, our goal is to narrow down the products to only the most high-quality, effective choices. We want to help you save time in finding the right autism products for your child. As you explore our site, we hope you will feel at home and supported, knowing you aren’t the only who needs these kinds of toys, clothing, learning tools and more.
How therapy can help autistic children?
We frequently get asked about how our products may tie into therapy for autistic children. Many of the products on our site can be used during therapy or to support therapy progress at home. Our goal is not to drive therapy, but to supplement your therapy experience with the right products.
There are many different types of therapies for autism. Often it starts with an occupational therapist (OT) who will observe your child, then recommend a program to help them with daily needs – everything from getting dressed to learning to communicate and socialize with others.
Play is an important component in autisim therapy. Children with ASD may approach play differently, but play remains an important form of expression. Through play therapy, children can learn communication and social skills, improve joint and muscle function, and more. It’s a powerful and effective way for you to connect with your child, have fun — and see progress. We are here to help with a wide selection of play therapy products!

“We’re incredibly impressed with the level of service we’ve received! The people at Autism Products were friendly, came to us with a range of recommendations and really know their stuff.”

“We were looking for toys to help supplement therapy efforts at home. Autism Products has such a wide selection, it’s the only place we’ve had to shop.”

“Autism Products gives us one place to find everything we need to help organize our lives and make every day easier.”
Have a question? Have a concern, or need to help finding what you’re looking for? Email us anytime at [email protected].