Bobbi Sheahan, mother of a child with autism, and psychologist Kathy DeOrnellas, Ph.D., did not write this book to lecture you on how to parent your child. Instead, they offer themselves as your scouts in the field, who have valuable information to share from the moment you realize your kid is different (My, what a quiet baby I have!), to the self-righteous moms on the playground, to holding your marriage together and the realm of routines.
The revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking book Asperger’s and Girls describes the unique challenges of females on the autism spectrum. In it, you’ll follow the lives of women with autism through childhood, the social and academic challenges of the education system, and into the career and dating worlds.
Temple’s primary mission is to help people with ASD and ADHD tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose contributors from a wide variety of skill sets to show how this can be done. Each individual tells their own story, in their own words, about their lives. From relationships, bullying, making eye contact, honing social skills, and eventual careers, these stories have something everyone can learn from.
In the real world, people on the autism spectrum need the same kinds of day-to-day skills everyone else needs to be functional! It’s true. No matter how high-functioning children with autism or Asperger’s may be or may become, they function better as adults if they’ve had the chance to learn basic skills, from being on time to good personal hygiene.
A child’s sensory system affects their ability to learn, play, socialize, and function. Maybe a child isn’t able to sit still in class because his shirt tag is bothering him, or isn’t able to play with other children because his balance is off. Maybe your child isn’t just a picky eater, it could be that his sensory system needs some special guidance and adjusting.
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