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    This fun-filled book is filled with comics that are designed to show teenagers the expected ways to behave in typical social situations. Each situation is depicted in a "Wrong Way" scenario and a "Right Way" scenario. Detailed photos prompt teens to take a closer look at body language and nonverbal cues. Interactive activities encourage teens to apply the scenarios to situations they have encountered in their lives.
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    Written by Lisa M. Schab, LCSW. This workbook is designed to help children in general - and impulsive children especially - learn the cognitive, physical, and emotional skills they need to determine and use appropriate behavior across a variety of settings. This workbook contains more than 60 paper-and-pencil activities that teach children such important skills as thinking about consequences, staying focused and completing a task, engaging in quiet activities without disturbing others, and more. Each of the eight sections of the book contains fun activities, puzzles, and games that help reinforce these essential behavioral skills. 85 pages, spiral-bound.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    The Toss & Talk games are intended to help children reveal their concerns and conflicts to an adult who can provide both nurturance and guidance. You will know that the game has been successful when children begin to talk more freely about themselves and start to enjoy the interaction with a concerned adult. These games are theme-focused and are designed to focus on specific areas that are of concern to children.
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    Children learn to control their behavior responses to anger.
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    Sing Song Yoga Book with DVD and CD

    Children's Yoga program.
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    Teaches teens focus areas of social skills.
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    This fun-filled book is packed with 52 reproducible activities to help youngsters learn to identify, understand, express, and cope with their angry feelings. The hands-on activities use art, music, drama, and movement and are designed to get kids thinking about their own anger cues and the way in which they express their anger. You won't run out of activities to help youngsters focus on gaining control of their anger before it takes control of them.
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    Feelings Detective helps all children understand their own feelings as well as the feelings of others. It is especially helpful for children who tend to misread social cues, including those who have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome or are at any other position on the Autism Spectrum. Specific examples help players to link specific situations and thoughts with specific feelings. Feelings are the most basic building blocks of social skills. Without the ability to recognize feelings in themselves and others, children are not able to master social interactions.
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    Game helps children learn to cope with worry.
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    Game helps children learn anger management techniques.
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    Teaches skills to handle behavioral problems.
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    Game helps children deal with all kinds of stress.
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    Game helps develop social skills..
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    Interactive questions about how friends would behave toward one another in a variety of situations.
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    Teaches children ways to deal with bullies.
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    Children learn to control their behavior responses to anger.
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    Teaches children to be aware of body language.
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    Helps children that have difficulty reading emotions.
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    Game helps teens express themselves to others.
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    A cooperative board game that teaches day-to-day social skills and social awareness. Designed to help children become socially aware of the world they live in, as they build the social skills they need in everyday life: helping, sharing, being polite, cooperating, understanding different points of views, listening, following rules, acting assertively, and being a friend. Players work as a team, there are no individual winners.
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    Created by Becky Bridges, C.S.W., A.C.P. In this ever-popular board game, active, impulsive children learn motor control, relaxation skills, how to express their feelings, and how to problem-solve. The manual includes information on how the game can be used both as a diagnostic and a treatment tool, and how behaviors learned in the game can be generalized for the home or classroom. The object of the game is to proceed through the Feelings, Stop, Relax, and Think sections of the game board to Finish, collecting chips along the way. The player with the most chips when the game ends wins.
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    The Social and Emotional Competence Board Game developed by child psychologist Gary Yorke, Ph. D. Social and emotional competence refers to the capacity to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively, and establish and maintain relationships with others. It is these skills that serve to protect our children from a host of difficulties including behavior problems, increased emotional distress, academic failure, delinquency, and substance abuse. Designed for 2-6 players. Recommended for ages 6-14.

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